Spoiling Moose to Death

By Griffey

Happy dog with a ham bone

After I saw the fat that ooze out of its creases and the flesh that hung to its sides, I knew this ham bone belonged to Moose.

I brought it home in a brown paper bag. By the time I got into the living room, the greasy fat stained the bag. I set the bag on the ground for Moose to explore. In no time at all, he had his cute little face emerged within it and he surfaced with a bloody, fatty, red bone clenched between his puppy jaws. A sudden burst of excitement and energy came over his skinny and weak body. He ran his bare belly ran into the yard and plopped it on the cold lawn. He was there for many many hours.

We traced the lawn this evening and the bone is nowhere to be found. Whether he hid the bone or demolished it, we do not know. All we know is that today, we did something nice for him, something he enjoyed, something that made us happy, something that gives us peace to knowing that our time with him is limited. For all we know, this bone could be Moose's last.

Please remember to do nice things for others... and especially your pets. You never know when your time with them will cease.

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