Spoiling Moose to Death

By Griffey

Happy dog with a bird

Moose loves birds. He spots them in trees. He chases them in fields. He retrieves them when hunting. He knows that when a gun is around, it's bird hunting time.

This morning we got out the BB gun. Moose knew we meant business. Outside we went: he stealthily crept right along with us. He spotted the bird, we spotted the bird and boom! We brought it down and Moose ran off to retrieve it.

Back he came, bird in mouth. With the pep to his step and the spunk in his gait, you would never know how sick he was. Only his bare belly would clue you in, but with a smiling mouthful of feathers, who would notice anything but how happy he is?

Everyone should be that happy.

Moose teaches me to be a better, happier person.

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