
After breakfast Tom & I went for a drive, as it's way too cold to go out walking--32 degrees, sharp wind & no sun; more like winter than spring--& we ended up driving through the old cemetery that is the final resting place of Mayors, Governors, Soldiers, & founders of our city, among others. I hopped out to take pictures here & there, & I liked this one of the 3 headstones, rather ravished by time. Eugene's stone has slid off it's base, & the one on the far right is loose. Over time the wind, snow & rain has erased most of the information on the other 2, only leaving a year of death visible--1803. I love history, so I always find it fascinating to look at people's  headstones.....what did they do, where did they live, what was it like back then, how did they die, did they have a happy life? 
And I like to think that as their headstones are captured in a photo, they're remembered again, however briefly, instead of forgotten.

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