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Had a surprised visit from Steve who was painting our house. He's had a break for a while as he had other jobs to do. He popped in today and brought me two blueberry bushes for my birthday. He knows how much I love berries and I had said in passing that I'd like a blueberry I have two. How incredibly thoughtful. He will be back soon as we have so much work for him.
I played with my new garden toy today....a hedge trimmer. I don't have hedges but I have so many brambles to get rid of. This seems like a much easier way to get rid of the brambles. We have a very large part of our garden which is right at the back that we can't even get into as its so overgrown. Its my job to clear it. I started today. I didn't think about doing a before shot....I'll do one tomorrow. It certainly helped having decent equipment to work with.
I spent such a long time potting up plants I bought yesterday and then chopping down brambles that I completely forgot the time and was late meeting a friend at the gym.
I did lots of free weights this evening. My arms were aching before I went....they kill me now.

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