Guess Who Has the Treats?

We returned to old patterns quickly this morning when we decided to climb the trail behind the hotel known as "Claremont Canyon" (although it is up a ridge) and which our dog trainer used to refer to as "The Death March". One definitely has to stay in training for this walk . We used to do it at least once a week, and were usually rewarded with a panoramic view of three bridges, Berkeley and across the bay to San Francisco. Today it was misting wetly, which didn't really matter since we were staring at our feet most of the time as we trudged up the steep hill. The big reward was that I had my 10,000 steps in the bag before coffee at Peet's. Did OilMan really have to say that it was because I take tiny steps going downhill…? Oh well, the uphill ones were hard earned!

While we were doing that, Dana and Peter took the Three Amigos, Blake, Ozzie and Rudy out for a romp in the fields and sent pictures, so the photo, and the title are courtesy of her today.

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