... has been the challenge for WIDE ANGLE WEDNESDAY set by Hobbs's run this week.

This year we have the 100th ANZAC Centenary, since our men and some women went to fight in the war that changed our nation and for the freedom we enjoy today. 
To commemorate this and following wars in which our ANZACs have fought and are still fighting in .... number of activities are organised to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

One such activity has been organised here in Penrith and is quite something. Suggest the best way to understand is have a read of this information on this POPPY PARK!

This most moving thing to me was fact that in senario of a lost life (in this case the fallen in war) they may in fact not have had family left now!!!! 
The initiative therefore is based on the park containing 102,000 poppies in memory of the number of Australian soldiers losing their lives at war, and you can purchase a poppy (or more - each one has the name of a fallen) which at the conclusion of this park that poppy will be mailed to you and hence on Remembrance day you and your family would be remembering that soldier.

Have chosen this shot to show that for this wonderful initiative I am "seeing the point"   - thanks Hobbs for hosting this challenge.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE and have put some other shots on FLICKR.  

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