Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Lorikeet this morning.

Clickr to Flickr - along with a couple of others there.

This afternoon, parent-teacher interviews... well... When your kid's teacher's first words to you are: "he's such a wonderful little man. I just love him!" it's a fair assumption things have been going well in class. ;) Suffice it to say she's stunned with his performance all round, and his sociability. So that was just lovely.

Missy-moo's teacher is a much less-effusive individual, though also very nice - and he didn't say he loves her. ;) However, our impression that she'd been working more "productively" (as required) at school was validated - and given that she's not the kid with the maths brain, it was quite stunning to find she's in the top maths group in her year. So that was great too. And she seems to be doing well all round as well - but particularly the creative side of things.

Anyway, a nice end to the day. 8)

I'm pretty proud of my little humans.

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