Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Home grown tulip

The boys break up for the Easter school holidays today, so I stocked up the fridge in preparation. It is almost overflowing with food and yet it will all be gone in a few days time....Not only do they eat a lot as is common with teenage lads, but they are very careful about what they eat due to their fitness regime and gym maximum protein and no high fat content foods. And there I was thinking boys would be easy to feed....

Its a blip and run today as now that we have unpacked the car with all their end of term stuff, trying to find a place for the books and things that usually stay at school during term, I now have to take Adam to the maxillofacial surgeon for an appointment as the dentist did not like what she saw on the X-rays when he had his last routine check up, and so referred him on to the specialist. Something about a cyst below the gum...could be connected to his wisdom teeth coming through.

This is a tulip in one of the planter boxes that Gavin planted - I am so enjoying having tulips in my garden for the first time.

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