Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Bald eagle

Carys headed of to Shepreth Wildlife Park with the rest of reception on the train this morning, so William and I headed to Whipsnade against my better judgement due to the predicted temperature of 27 degrees. However there was a lovely breeze on top of the downs and we had a lovely day together. William insisted on seeing the Hippos first, even threatening a melt down when I suggested seeing the lions on the way as I reckoned that today was feeding day. I was correct and they were really close but my boy wasn't really interested. "See 'ippos Mummy, see 'ippos!" So see the hippos we did. The baby is now the same size as the pygmy hippos but still stays close to its Mummy. William also saw one of the pygmy hippos swimming in the outdoor pools, something I don't think he has really witnessed before.

After that we headed to the Birds, via the cheetahs and the flamingos, only to be told that they couldn't do the show as they had one of their Harris Hawks in a near by tree refusing to come down. As it would want to eat some of the other birds, they couldn't take the chance. Slightly upset, William choose the farm and the elephants next on the way to the sealion show. That by the way was hilarious. The sealions were too hot and were completely ignoring the kepers commands, they just did their own things and in the end one of the keepers actually had to get the hose pipes and spray the kids herself.

After a picnic lunch we had a ride on the train and then headed back to the Bird show, which did run and where I got this shot. After William went round the back and asked if the bird was still stuck in the tree! It didn't matter how many times I told him it had come down he had to hear it from one of the keepers. Reassured we headed for an icelolly and home to pick up Carys.

Carys had had a great day. I'm sure she will tell me more in time. It was all she could do to manage her ballet class, a shower, beans on toast and sing Happy Birthday to Grandad before collapsing into bed.

I don't think I have ever said this before but please look at the large version, it is much better.

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