The Way I See Things


Chipping Campden Parish Church

You know the saying "it's like watching paint dry"...? Well, watching paint dry was how I spent a large part of my day today: invigilating a GCSE art exam. And yes, it really is as interesting as you might think. By lunchtime my eyes were crossed and my brain was starting to leak out of my ears, so I went for a brisk walk and took some photos to wake myself up.

This is a rather extreme view of St James' Church in Chipping Campden, which will be the venue for the Campden Festival Chorus performance of Handel's Messiah on Saturday (eek!). It's my submission to hobbs' Wide Angle Wednesday challenge, the theme of which this week is "Seeing the Point". If I were better-educated I'd probably be able to give you architectural terms for some of the decorative prongle thingys on this building, but sadly I can't - maybe someone can enlighten me!

Before I go, I'd like to say a massive "Thank you!!" to everyone who said nice things and bestowed stars and hearts on my 300th blip yesterday. I was thrilled skinny to get up this morning and find it on the first page of the Populars - and even though I'm quite certain that this ranking says a great deal more about what lovely people you are than it does about the photo, I'm still smiling about it now. Being a part of this community has become hugely important to me, and I hope that we'll be able to keep on being excellent towards each other for a long time to come!

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