Packed up and Ready to go

Sunday morning was spent packing up the Sugar.  She was set to be off to my parent's farm for the week.  I usually have Spring Break off of work, but my trip to Hawaii last Fall used up my vacation time.  Poor pitiful me......

Anyhow, we spent some quality time together, and got all sort of things packed to keep her busy for the week.  George (read about him here) Was excited to tag along.  At least he seemed to be excited.  Hard to tell with a goldfish.  tee hee

I delivered Sugar to her cousin's house at 12:30, and her aunt delivered all three girls to the farm.  The cousins will be there for a few days.  It will be a nice treat for Sugar.  

I headed home, and had some quiet, quality time with The Hubby.  Feeling refreshed and ready for the week ahead.

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