Ne Parcas Nec Spernas

Emergency blip today I fear!  Busy clearing kitchen in readiness for the demolition of chimney breast. This might not happen until a couple of months time but you've no idea of the amount of stuff!!!!  So my family Crest will have to suffice!

Our Motto 'Ne Parcas Nec Spernas'  meaning 'Neither spare nor dispose'. There are several versions of what that actually means. Two I've found when googling have been 'Don't be frugal but don't waste anything', and the other 'Neither spare nor scorn'.  Both versions seem a bit ambiguous.

The Lamonts have a long and chequered history.  In 1893 the Clan lands were sold and the Chieftianship passed to a branch that emigrated to Australia where the present Chief now lives.  

Of some note in more modern times was Johanne von Lamont(1805-79) who became a member of the Munich Academy of Sciences and was Astronomer to the King of Bavaria (hence the 'von' I would assume).

Have a nice day!

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