Hanging out with the sparrow gang

Today I am trying to rest and get over my cold. Good luck with that. First Ric arrived to fix our bathroom sinks. He's a good fellow and does amazing work but he often needs my input so I have been going up and down stairs to answer his questions and make decisions, all leading to a big bill but new faucets on our bathroom sinks. It was definitely time. Both my handles broke and Arvin's leaks.

Then Judy came to clean. That is a good thing too but the vacuum makes quite a racket. Luckily Judy is not so gregarious as Ric is.

Then Helena came to visit with her dad. The two of them took off on a walk around the neighborhood. I'm trying to hang low as my cold is quite annoying today. And Arvin and I have dentist appointments this afternoon. So far I plan to go. I kind of have to as Arvin needs me to drive him there.

Early this morning when I was the only one up, I took some time to just be on the deck with the birds. The sun was shining and it felt really good to be there waiting for something photogenic to happen. The birds weren't doing much but the sparrows did put on a brief show for me. Thanks birdies.

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