An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Last Day Before Vacation

What a crazy day!!!!!

Got up real early to try to get an early start at work.  Morning Buddy walk was cloudy, windy  and cold.  Didn't stay outside long and had my camera set for the previous sunny day.  Funny how they all were too dark.

Waited for the bank person to call about the paperwork to refinance our place.  Hope to cut a couple years off the note and reduce the payment.  The cost is frustration.  Refinancing with the same bank that has held our  note for eight years.  They manage all my finances both work and family.  I nearly called the whole thing off.  One of their wishes is for me to show documentation that I paid off a student loan from the 1970's.  Another is for me to show them that my condo has been taken off the sales market.  We were the first owners of this condo.  We bought  it from the developer.  It has never been for sale since.  I kept asking how does one prove a negative.  The one that  really got me was when I had to explain an auto  payment from my checking to their bank's credit card branch.  Oh well enough whining.  I hope they have all the paper they need.

As always, the day before I leave for vacation I  experience a bunch of work overload.  At 8:30 p.m. , I  finally am calling it a day.  I shouldn't but I am fried.

Tomorrow, we get up early to fly out of DFW to  Miami.  Have a five plus hour layover before heading to Granada.  On Sunday, we board the Mandalay, a sailing ship owned by Windjammer.  We will sail to a bunch of little islands in the Grenadines.  Some I have been to before.  Some have wifi.  And those that do, sometimes it works.  So I will be posting pics here, but probably not on the days they were taken.  Have a good Holy Week and a glorious Easter.

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