
By Newme

The start of things to come...

I've recently gone through a massive change in my life and it has also had a profoundly effect on the way I think and feel. I've always been quite a positive person generally but I've recently been down a tough road (one of those questionable if you'll live or die ones) and have been riding a wave of positivity ever since. I was watching something on YouTube where the guy said 'in your darkest hour you find your greatest strength and in your most humble moments you find the most wisdom'. Well he didn't ACTUALLY say that but I got the gist. He was right though. I feel almost 'reborn' (that sounds quite hippy) and so very, very happy. I'm not through the woods yet but in my mind, I am!

To really do this feeling justice I have taken it upon myself to follow every dream I ever wanted to experience - big or small.

Today I bought a cool is that? I'm almost 39 years old and bought a mahoosive telescope because I've always looked up at the stars and thought 'one day I'll know the names of all of those!'.

Oh and I bought a new phone to captured all the things I'm going to do and upload the pictures here. This blog is mainly for me to capture and look back at but I'm very happy if you would like to come along for the ride as I'm sure there will be plenty of giggles.

Don't be a stranger, say hi!

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