Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

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It was so nice to have a lie-in today! Mowed the garden early and then attempted to cut the conifers which are too tough and high and they also give me a rash...Graham, you said you would do them!!!

Sunday papers...meals al fresco...bring it on!

Only downside of such a perfect day...annoying neighbours on a quad bike. My younger two and a couple of friends (Neve and Zac....those are the correct spellings of their names!) were happily playing football just in a fairly small area of a fairly large field when the neighbours got out the quad bike....Dads were stood there with cans of beer (very responsible) whilst the kids zoomed around the edge of the field at first...and then straight through the football game as that was just more fun, I suppose. This is one of the Dads doing exactly the same thing. Glad the thing ran our of petrol after 40 minutes or so....

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