
By tepeka


OK. I reckon this pic may require a little more context than 'we were bored on Saturday afternoon'...

Mme Tepeka is in training for the Prague Marathon, which takes place at the beginning of May. Things aren't going particularly well - yesterday's run ground to a halt at 2km, just missing the marathon target by a little over 40km. She reckons the problem is that real athletes get marathon tattoos, so the afternoon was spent with the girl child drawing sample tattoos on her skin so she could see how they look. There's a very, er, striking picture of Paula Radcliffe on her shoulder, but I don't want to give anyone nightmares.

Instead, here's Mme Tepeka's foot, with a barcode 'tattoo' instead. The laser-eyed amongst you will already have spotted that it actually belongs to a 400g jar of Nutella. 

This is what my life has come to...

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