Another Shower Coming!

Thank you for the good wishes yesterday.  I'm glad to report that I'm back to rights today.

It's been another showery day and very frustrating for blipping.  I kept the camera to hand whilst preparing Sunday dinner (always roast chicken, yorkshire puddings and onion gravy in our house) and decided to go for this blip when the sun broke through momentarily and bathed the kitchen in light.

I love being in the kitchen as the days grow longer.  Blippals will spot several things which have appeared in previous blips - there is the roof of mini neighbour Molly's house just visible through the window, and the village over which we watch the weather arrive.  I can keep an eye on the bird feeders in the elder tree from here and chat to passing neighbours.

My mum would have loved to have seen this view.  We couldn't afford to 'do the kitchen' when she was alive so invariably it had bikes propping up the walls, odds and sods of kitchen furniture and an ageing carpet.  It's showing the wear and tear of bringing up a family and tramping in and out from garden and allotment but it's also a place to catch up with neighbours and friends.  Thank you mum x

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