Kittens and Mittens

A great blipmeet day. Met Sam and Sands for a wander in the Magic Key Gardens (we got utterly soaked, to the inside of our mittens). Then a breakfast and plotting the invention of Scottish Eggs Benedict (it involves the substitution of veggie haggis for the muffin). Then down to Mitch's for a meetup with CanCarrier (who had a tear for Molly), Min Bannister (who has a great hat) and Shandonner (who was strangely fascinated by a football game). We plotted Sam's first million-selling book (wizards, vampires and bondage, we reckon, set in 18th Century Scotland) and to hell with her principles. We exchanged tales of how we had met blippers and they turned out to be just as lovely as you would have expected from their journals, and then became fast friends.
A good day.

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