Waxing Moon 252,187 miles away at 6 pm

Doctor's appointment this afternoon to get my X-ray results from a fortnight ago.  The Report verified Spondylitis.  "Can I see the X-ray", I asked.  He said he only gets the Report and not the actual X-Ray. I told him I was hoping to blip the X-ray for my Webpage, but that I'd have to be content with blipping the Report instead. He nearly had a fit - this usually laconic man!  "You can't do that, " he said, "it's confidential information."  Anyway we had a few more words and I promised not to blip it!  Luckily the sky is quite clear most of the time today and I managed to capture the waxing Moon about 6 o'clock this evening just when she was behind the trees. I love the Moon in a blue sky but her craters aren't so prominent then and she needs something like tree branches to show off her full splendour.

Have a nice evening!

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