I'm posting this today because I realised that this is the first time that I have seen no blanks on a 30 day timeline and, with just 7 Blips to go to my first ever 50 in a row... I am anticipating some more breaks in the timeline. Unless I bore my few followers to death with pics of DIY progress that is.

We shall see.

Yes, I am going to be busy. Mr L's Easter break begins tomorrow (as a result of now working an 80% week) and so does the DIY push.

The weekend before last we removed some cupboards to make space to work in. Last weekend saw the closing of the old flue and the sawing-off and capping-off of the old water and oil supplies for the deceased Rayburn. The new Aga is electrically fuelled and of course lacks the hot water capability (yes, it does sound like a stupid move but we are hoping it is the right one for us). Tomorrow we do the electrical wiring and put in the frame for the new wall boards. That's if it goes well. If it does not go well, then we'll take longer. 

The following job will be the wall-boarding and the fixing of sockets.

Then the tiling.

I shall be without a cooker for a while so today I shall be mainly baking bread for the freezer. I might need to get the proving cabinet out, the ambient temperature has dropped considerably - the ground outside is white this morning! I have not investigated yet but I think it's a covering of hail rather than snow.

I am expecting to be taken out for supper at some point in the weekend otherwise I shall be found cooking in the campervan. 

Speaking of which, there was some notion of perhaps going away this weekend but we considered carefully and decided on kitchen progress instead. Looking at the hail I am perhaps glad that we did not go  -- and that wind last night was a bit OTT too. Better in my own bed, I reckon.

Before bed I made an attempt (quite a few) at capturing the wee drone from yesterday with its lights all aglow. This turned out to be a much harder job than I had anticipated. Clearly my technical skills need some bolstering.

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