Hot dogs!

What a scoorching hot day it's been.

We went for our afternoon walk on the dunes because Ann wanted to keep us both clean. The trouble with the dunes is; there's no water?! After we'd walked for about half an hour we were both panting so much Ann thought we were about to have a heart attack. Ann was pretty hot too and she hadn't brought any water.

So what we did was; we all sat down on the cool grass for a little rest and then walked the half hour back to the car where Ann produced water for us all. Ann poured the water into a bowl fully expecting me to drink it all up so that Ozzy didn't get any.

But do you know what I did? ........................ I actually let Ozzy have first drink. Ann was amazed! She hadn't poured all the water into the bowl because she was going to shut me in the car so that Ozzy could have some water too.

Over the last few days I've been working really hard on my possessive eating disorder. Me and Ozzy now both get fed at the same time, I've learnt that there is enough food for both of us and I no longer have to be shut out of the kitchen when he's eating.

........................But voluntarily letting him have first drink made Ann so happy. She kept giving me loads of cuddles and praise and was telling me over and over again what a good girl I was least she was until she spotted a woman with two spaniels giving her a very funny look?! .............Then she felt she had to justify why I was getting so much attention and why Ozzy was being ignored?!

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