Grumpy Old Git

By GrumpyOldGit

Lobelia Flower

Today, I awoke feeling full of aches and pains and as though I had not slept for a week, despite having slept for some eight hours. I decided to ignore this and having taken a hefty dose of analgesics, to continue tidying my workshop. After an hour of this, I simply had to give up as I kept falling over my own feet. Returning to the house I lay on the bed and was asleep within seconds; so much for determination. Having spent most of the day asleep, I thought that I ought to go out into the garden to take some pictures, I did not go further as my legs are far too painful to walk far, even though they work fine now. I put an old 85mm, F1:1.8 lens on the camera, with a set of extension tubes and took pictures of every flower that I could photograph, without getting down to it; if I had got down, I would not have been able to get up again without assistance. I have no idea how the exif data will be displayed with this set up, it is often incorrect with normal lenses, most pictures were taken at about F1:8. So today's picture is of a white Lobelia flower taken at a magnification very close to 1:1 on a 24x36 format and posted as is, from the camera.

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