Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

White Water Rafting!

Today A. and I went white water rafting on the River Tay at Grandtully with Freespirits and it was fab!

I wasn't sure what to expect but its something I've been wanting to do since I was at high school. So I've now ticked that off my bucket list! The waters were perhaps a bit tamer than I was expecting but that's more due to the classification of the river and it was ideal for a beginners session.

I ended up in the water only once which is surprising as I have no athletic ability, co-ordination or balance! But despite being initially shy and unwilling to do the team building games (I often suffer from a form of stage fright if I have to stand up in front of a group of people), my jelly legs co-operated and I managed to stand up on the side of the boat while everyone else was paddling - phew!

Did end up in the water with our whole group when our guide Jamie made the boat do a wheelie... take two was much more successful!

Overall it was a totally fab experience and I want to say a big THANKS to A. for taking me with her!! =)

I really want to give credit to the photographer who took this but I can't find his business card to do the link. When I find this I will add in the credit where credit is due but couldn't resist sharing the beauty of the river and a photo which summed up the highlights of the day!

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