Derelict Thursday - Schrems

It seems that Derelict Thursday is having a break for summer - until October. That is a long summer and rather incongruous considering it has been snowing quite a lot today. I hope I don´t get withdrawal symptoms.
I went back to the Himmelsleiter today, the lookout in yesterday's blip, as there are a couple of derelict houses just a few metres away. I also wanted to look for my favourite Alanah Hill beanie which I lost yesterday, most likely blown off by the extreme winds at the top of the lookout platform. I realised yesterday as I made my way back to the car and I retraced my steps but couldn´t find it. I thought perhaps I would be able to see it better today as the snow had melted. It is a pale silver grey and would have been hard to see. I climbed up the lookout again and just as I was about to climb down again I saw something in the undergrowth at the edge of the forest that just might-possibly-maybe be my hat! I didn´t hold out much hope but there it was sitting on top of some broken foliage with ice still clinging to it. I was pretty chuffed as I am not very good at finding things I lose. 
Back to the Blip - there are 2 houses together in a sad state of disrepair. It is rather odd as they have been renovated at some stage with some rather interesting arty farty tiling jobs, vaguely reminiscent of Hundertwasser. 
The photo shows a derelict hut, probably a small animal stall. 
Many thanks to SarumStroller for this challenge and to Himself and freespiral for helping out.

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