
First day of the holidays today. I think it's going to be a long three weeks!
Mrs Z came round with Miss A and Mr H and it was a bit fraught!
Miss E wanted to play on her iPad, Miss L got upset because Mr H was feeling shy and didn't want to look at her toys, Miss E got upset because she felt left out when the others went outside......
It was lovely to see Mrs Z and there were moments of normality in the chaos!
We went to Padbury park for a bit. It was rainy then sunny than rainy then sunny!
The children had fun give or take the odd squabble about turn taking. Unfortunately Miss E had a bit of a meltdown just as we were leaving. I honestly can't remember what started it but she shouted at me, I shouted at her, she ran off and hid. Uuughhhhh!!!
Surprisingly she came willingly when I called her and was really upset in the car that I was cross. She kept wailing that she didn't mean to make everybody cross.
Which of course stopped me being cross and made me sad.
She said she wasn't used to people coming round and it had made her anxious.
Coming from a child who doesn't discuss her feelings this is progress indeed! Doesn't make her behaviour any less infuriating or upsetting but there is hope!!
It's been ages since she's behaved so badly. I think that's why I got so cross. I'm not used to it any more!
We had a quiet time for the rest of the afternoon. They alternated between Defenders of Berk and Dinosaur Train and I did a bit of tidying up and read trashy magazines.
Salmon and Mediterranean vegetables for dinner and an early night I think!

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