
By Memories4Me

Easter Sunday - 1955

Dear Diary,

I really wanted to include this image in my journal even though it was sadly degraded and a bit of a blur.  I tweaked it in Photoshop and decided that it was good enough.  It is the idea of this photograph that is important to me.  The posing in our Sunday best on the front lawn of my childhood home was a regular occurrence when I was growing up.  It is where my father posed us for so many photographs.  He wanted to capture a moment he knew would be soon gone.  He wanted to remember.  Isn't that what motivates us all?

Looking at this 60 year old image of my brother and me, I realized that over those ensuing years nearly all the cells in my body have been replaced, several times!  I am, for all intents and purposes, not the same person...physically.  For some reason, that idea seemed so appropriate for Easter.  We, each of us, undergo a resurrection of sorts every few  years.  We are continually being re-created and re-born as it were.  That is a powerful idea I think.

The symbolic language of the crucifixion is the death of the old paradigm; resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thinking.

Deepak Chopra

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