A Jersey for Ewan

Lest I should have accidentally left you good people with the impression that I and His Lordship did nothing much on holiday but eat scones, watch crashing waves and ogle honed young men in wet suits riding them, (although HL maintains he was more interested in the photographic element), I give you the product of my evening pastime.

This is a jersey for Ewan, aged 1, which I knitted without a printed pattern to follow, so although it may look all right there is a huge chance it will not fit.

For those knitting Nellies amongst you, I find reverse stocking stitch is the very devil to sew up neatly, and choosing acrylic yarn instead of wool because of a Dennistoun moth invasion at the final destination was the biggest mistake of all.
Still, it is a nice colour and should go well with his blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair...........not that he'll care a jot about that, even if it fits.

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