She sang him on his way

I have today heard of the death of someone I knew back in the days when I was involved with the juggling community.  An incredibly talented and kind person called Jasper King, a member of the Chipolatas.  Jasper had been ill for a while and died on Friday, in a hospice, with people who loved him.  His wife, a musician, sang him on his way.

Purely by chance I have been dipping into my much loved, well thumbed copy of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, which we see here.  There are many wise and lovely words in that book but I'd like to share the following with you all, which were posted on Jasper's facebook wall by another of his friends:

"Dream with the dreamers and invent things you never knew you had in you.  Think with the thinkers and discover ideas that mould who you are.  Smile at strangers and make friends that last a life time.  Travel with travellers and explore a life beyond your imagination."

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