The journey continues...

By Lbell

A little cutie!

Sarah got back to the school today which was good cause sometimes I can be a little too nice whereas she's straight to the point with everything and gets a lot done, and I hadn't seen her in so long so it was nice to catch up.

Today we taught the kids colours, that was a fun lesson!

We also had the reunion today where we met a new volunteer and Ellie and I got an awesome beach lunch before I headed to the evening school with Oscar, David and Polly. As per usual I was with the younger ones and they were crazy today! We were learning numbers but all they ever want to do is trace and colour. There was a lot of running around, with lots of people coming and going so I didn't feel like we got too much done. I guess it's better than them sitting around their homes and at least they have fun!

I had a nice chilled night and got some more washing done woo! Ellie and I also went for pizza for dinner, I definitely have to find a healthy alternative but it doesn't help that the pizza man does great hand made pizza and his stall is only a minutes walk from the hostel :D

This little pup was lounging about the hostel and it turns out a group of guys had picked her up from one of the beaches as she was literally about to die and couldn't walk and they fed her and now she walks and they're taking her to the vet to make her better :) That's the first nice doggy story I have heard/seen since I have arrived in South America. They really do break my heart!

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