The journey continues...

By Lbell

Midnight chatting :)

Today the morning classes went really well. We pretty much have as many teachers as students if not more which makes the class a lot easier to handle. I am enjoying the experience more and more each day, if only I could stay forever! I was reading with one of the smallest and cutest kids today and it went so well. After working with them all for over a month I have actually begun to see improvements which is the greatest thing.

I came back to the hostel for lunch and had a little dip in the pool before the evening classes. The other school was pretty crazy today and not much was achieved. The mix of students, age difference and lack of organisation makes it almost impossible to give classes some days. So the younger ones spent today colouring pictures. I practiced some maths with some of the older kids and then we were playing a bingo game which was great and it even got them learning English words. The more advanced class made a pretty impressive poster with Oscar and David on Sexual Rights. I guess it was a more productive day than I thought and we stayed until after 4pm which usually means we've had a good day!

I was back at the hostel with a few hours to chill and get ready before heading to Chez's appartment for some sangria and guacamole to begin Nilisha's birthday celebrations. It was a nice little night but I think the mass amount of sangria that was consumed before dinner wasn't such a great idea. We decided in the end to go to the Mexican restaurant and Sarah and I were so happy after wanting to go for so long and having been eating on the street every day for the past month. It was worth the wait as it was so tasty and flavourful. I had chorizo burritos with a fresh mango salad and will definitely be back! Because of the amount drank before dinner I couldn't finish my lovely margarita and the massive dinner left me sleepy and ready for bed. I joined the others in La Brisa Loca for half an hour before returning to my hostel just before 12. I chatted to Brie and the others for a while and forced myself from the hammock with a good amount of sleep time before sports mañana!

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