Wee Weevil

The song thrush was singing at the top of the ash tree last evening when I came indoors and was in full song again this morning. I got some shots and, as I always do at this time of year, recited Home Thoughts From Abroad to my dog.

The weather hasn't been great here in Essex and I haven't ventured into the outside world. Bugs don't like it cold and dull but I was in the macro zone and confident of finding some. I got some lovely pics of little solitary bees, honey bees and bumble bees. Hoverflies were supping sleepily at the cherry blossom that is turning into confetti. I found a birch shieldbug, similar to my yesterday's hawthorn but more oval and smaller. There were quite a few bright green froghoppers around. I shot one on a honeysuckle shoot. 

I adore weevils, particularly those from the Curculionidae. I love their big round eyes and long snouts. I found the above on a hyacinth flower. It is only about 3mm long, I think it might be a cabbage stem weevil. There's a hairy bittercress weed, which is a brassica, next to the flower. It might have originated there.   

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