
By pensionspoet

New discoveries

After an early morning MoT I returned home at 9 am happy!

The kids weren't that impressed to be woken 'early' though, but by 11 we were on the road to Norwich, where we had plans for sightseeing via an easter egg hunt. Easy we thought! There were 20 hidden posters, each with a different code, and we had to find 10 to qualify for a prize! I took photo's as we went. 

Norwich will be a place I want to take more photo's in the future....but when I am on my own.

To cut a long blip short, we eventually found 10, but it was by no means easy! As I could only pick one photo for this, it had to be this one of my beautiful Mollie and handsome Henry - historical buildings and castles, museums, and arcades are no match!

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