
It has been a busy day today.

I had all the boys with me to work today as I had a chiropractor appointment just after work. I had time for a little walk in Slagelse between work and seeing the chiro and we came across these pretty poppies, which I though I would blip, even though the boys were not keen to be stopped and asked to pose in the middle of all the sniffing and watching the city life. Beat was - as you can see - the one, who objected the most :-D.

When I was done at the chiropractor's, I had some shopping to do, so we went to BILKA, which is the Danish version of Tesco. I did my shopping and then I took the boys for a longer walk in Slagelse. I think they have enjoyed having a 'different' kind of day. It is nice both for dogs and people to change scenery now and again.

Home to have tea and maybe the boys will have a smaller walk again later... we will see...
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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