On top of the world!

Still trying to tire these two out!

Walked up to the top of Bishop Hill today with the boys and dogs.

Got half way back down and Flynn went missing. He may be old but he can go really fast, especially down hill.

He shot off round a bend in the path and when we got down there there was a fork in the path and we didn't know what way he'd went.

A horrible 25 minutes trying to find him.

Shouting, whistling continuously .... Pointlessly.... since he can't hear much nowadays....

Along one way... Then the other.... Then right down to the car... Then back up.... Then a panic phone call to Mr J incase he got a call. (his collar has both our mobile numbers on it)
Trying to keep calm and not cry in front of the boys. Although they must have sensed the panic in my voice and on my face cos they did start to get upset.

I kept thinking I'm not leaving him out on this hill all night......

Then the desperately wanted phone call on my mobile from a man who had found him.... Back up the hill.
What a relief..... I cried with happiness and cuddled the boys.... We all cried together.

So scary.

He has done this occasionally. He just shoots off and then can't hear you shout. Not so bad round the village pathways. He kinda knows where he is and I can second guess him.
But up on that hill.... I wasn't sure what he would do.

It looks like he headed back up to where he last saw us.

I wanted to choose a picture for blip tonight not"missing dogs, scotland"!!!!!

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