Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Remember that pampas grass I cut down? This is its revenge. My arms are covered in an allergic rash, I've been coping all week but last night I woke up itching and so put on some itch relief cream which in turn started burning so I then went and smothered my arms in aqueous cream but when I went to wash it off the shower refused to work due to a pressure issue all I could hear was water hammering the pipes and then when I resorted to the wash basin there was a blooming cat sitting in it looking all smug. Took an antihistamine managed to get back to sleep, woke up just in time to call work to tell them I'm sick.

Yep I slept through my alarm - that's half an hour of radio - and when I woke up I had a banging headache and still felt sick. I have been in bed all day. I feel miserable and I've had to cut my nails short :(

Never really knew it was possible to feel physically sick through itching.

Oh and this is on top of some remaining stubborn rashes that I'm onto cream number 3 and tablet number 2 to treat.

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