Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Finished One Day

Some comedian once said that Sydney would be a lovely looking city .... "when they finally finish it". I think that statement was made about 30 years ago and (given that cranes and construction detritus have dominated the CBD ever since) I don't imagine this place will EVER be "finished". Shooting through the dirty window of our hotel, this is the scene which greeted us on day two of our excursion. I reckon it will ever be thus.

Wide Angle Wednesday: Up Close and Personal

This week's theme arose from a suggestion described as "portrait" which someone made a few weeks back. I was worried that if I presented the subject in that form, people might go for the conventional or else (given the usual paucity of willing guinea pigs models) I'd find that people might opt out altogether. It was also true that I wanted to afford blippers some measure of creativity by not implying that the subject should necessarily be a person. In any event I was looking for "up close and personal" shots that best employed the characteristics of our wide angle lenses.

A big thank you to all of those people who did take the time and trouble to enter an image for the challenge. Like always, there were far more fine results than I could possibly give recognition to. In perusing the pictures  there was the need to balance adherence to the theme against creativity and technical quality. A fascinating but super challenging task. If I haven't commented on your image already, I shall do so within the next few hours. Right now, here are some images I'd like you to take a look at.

My inaugural "outside the circle" prize goes to:

Four honourable mentions go to:

Buuuut (drum roll please) the official hearts (no special order) go to:

Next week's theme (widwed07) will be "Looking Up". 


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