Garden Safari

Another day where I was spoilt for choice for a photo - pigs asleep in the sun, cowslips, bluebells, forget-me-nots, spiders, hoverflies.....but I liked this the best I think. A hairy beast with the web filaments attached to the legs!

It was taken in the garden in the afternoon.

Frustrating walk today - I walked all the way up to the top of the village to go along one of the permissive paths in the Bramham Park Estate only to find that they had closed it until the end of the month. The estate are building a digester power plant and the power lines from it are being routed alongside the path to be joined to the national grid. Contractors are on site and they don't want the public on site.

So we had to retrace our route and take an alternative..don't suppose the dogs really cared though. Just had to stay on lead a lot longer than they would have done!

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