Memorial to a Submariner

This Memorial to James Freel CGM  1916-- 1963, is on the new industrial estate on James Freel Close. 
James Freel was in the Royal Navy during WW2, after serving on several battleships he volunteered in May 1942 to become a Charioteer.
He was posted to Malta for Operation Principle, against shipping in the Italian Ports.
In December 1942 along with his number 1 Sub Lieutenant Rodney Dove, they embarked in the submarine Trooper to attack shipping in Palermo, Sicily, where they sank the ship Vimnale.
When they made thier way ashore they were captured and placed in a POW Camp.
In September 1943 he escaped and joined the local Partizans and stayed with them until December 1943 when he rejoined the Allies and returned to the England.
In April 1943 he was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.
In 1951 he went to Australia were he stayed until his death in 1963.

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