One Day Like This...

By LicentiousLib

Gimme Moore

A wonderful warm, sunny day.

A leisurely wander round Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

To sit, resting my back against this piece, its curve nearly fitting into the shape of my spine. The warmth from the metal, heated up from the sun all day, permeating into my back, felt amazing.

I'd been before to the Park. When I was a first year undergraduate, in 2004, I was invited to attend a plant summer school at Leeds Uni. It was based at the Arts Campus - which was based at The Sculpture Park. What an incredible place for a halls of residence.

I'd never really considered myself artistic, but I must admit to developing a fondness for sculpture when I was there.

I still consider myself deeply uncultured, but I know these days I'm more at ease with admitting what I do and don't like.

I definitely want to come back and spend another full day here.


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