Manchester Secret Supper Club....

Spotted this on a wall in Brazennose Street, just off Albert Square. It's for the Manchester Secret Supper Club. What happens is you get an invitation and you reply you are coming. You then have to turn up at a certain location somewhere in the city where you follow a trail of clues/directions to where the supper is being held. It might be in one if the city's restaurants or it might have been set up in some random place. You will have no idea where or what you will be eating except that it will be of exceptional quality. Costs vary but £50 for a four course meal is the usual. Quite modest when you compare what you can spend in, relatively, quite reasonable restaurants in the city. I'm intrigued by the idea of a secret supper club. I believe it's one of a few of these organisations that operate in the city. I will have to look into how you get into one them or, like one of those secret organisations such as the Illuminati, do you have to wait to be invited?

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