Out in the cold

Once again the morning rain discouraged an early run, and I was expecting a slightly more relaxed day. Instead it was another day of lots of patients, requests for various things from the other staff, and getting letters done today as I am away in Wellington for Council the next two days. 

Got back to the accommodation a little later than I expected and changed for a short dash out. I anticipated very little to photograph, as it was late, and the sky from here was just grey. There has been a cold wet wind from the south all day. The weather has been much worse in the south, I hear.

I'd only just started on the Coastal Walkway when I saw that the setting sun was casting some striking light on the clouds. Picked up the pace a bit for round the corner, but well before I got there, this trio came around and I snapped off a quick shot. 

I did need to straighten the horizon (more than a little, I was so rushed). And then a little crop to place the horizon better. A slight reduction in shadow, to permit the path to be seen. And this is what you get.

I hope you like it.

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