The Girl with the Swan

This piece of public art created by the Fife sculptor, David Annand is possibly one of the least appreciated sculptures in Dunbar as it stands in a small grassy park midway between Lauderdale House and the Dunbar Leisure centre and Pool. Unfortunately the radial pathways that lead to the sculpture are little used as they do not form part of the route that one would take to the pool either from the town by foot or from the adjacent car park. I pass it at a distance at least twice a week when I go for a swim but have not really noticed it until I decided to explore a bit further today. It is quite a handsome sculpture and was not doubt influenced by the myth of Leda and the Swan in which Zeus transformed himself into a swan in order to rape Leda.

Looking at the various images of the statue on the net made me feel a bit better about my own efforts as it is difficult to separate the statue from the surrounding environment.  I have chosen to do this by colour poping the statue against a monochrome blurred image of Lauderdale House. Worth looking at large to view the detail of the statue

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