Journey Through Time

By Sue


Edit:   Changed to B/W for Mono Monday.

I had my 10X macro filter/lens thingie out and on the camera and when I was sitting here at my computer, gazing out the window, I saw that our fountain (which is in desperate need of a new pump) was dribbling out water and making little bubbles that were gathering in the water.  And then the light bulb went off over my head.  Mama didn't raise no dummies.  

The wind has picked up, and I notice that the said fountain now has little plink plops of rain drops falling into it, so the light bulb went off at a good time, before the rain set in.  Lord knows we need the rain and it is actually snowing in the mountains, although this will not last long as we are going to have lovely warm days later this week. 

So, back to cleaning house.  Catch ya later, my friends.

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