Looking Up

......is the theme for this weeks Wide Angle Wednesday, kindly hosted by hobbs.

I've always enjoyed standing under the canopy of tall trees, the foliage of various colours depending on the season rustling in the wind while the clouds soar across the sky.

I was disappointed these leaves are still to turn, perhaps I'll go back later as autumn progresses as I need to practise this type of photography. Being dark and trying to capture the texture of the trunk and branches without blowing out the colours of the leaves is the challenge.

This one reminds me of a tree about to twirl, not sure about such giants twirling but with one lower branch stretched out and another nicely turned, a twirl it could be.

After yesterday's snowy foothills, we had gusts of wind picking up leaves and sending them scurrying down the street, it was so very bitter. The temperature is slowly creeping up, 12C.

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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