
And here's the newest member of the 'Cuties at the Dog Park' gang...Pongo.
Pongo is a 4 month old something or another. He was found, along with several littermates in a cardboard box on the side of a highway. He was immediately adopted by one of the women who rescued him. He is a large, strong, sweet and playful puppy. He has a great self-concept and plays very well with the big dogs. Tara and Nube like him a lot! Maica, the Dog Park's Official Puppy Discipliner immediately put him on the ground on his back and made him cry. For such a sweet dog, Maica can be a real Bitch with puppies. In this photo Nube is standing over Pongo (and his toy). To take a look at a few other happy dog shots taken today...race on over to HERE :)

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