Our roads are getting worse every day....

Seen on our walk this afternoon, he'd only just been on a short trip into town.

An early start to the day for a meeting in London, I decided to drive to Mottingham station and catch a suburban train to Charing Cross rather than pay the £42.00 it costs for the journey from Bearsted. Bad move as it always is. First part of the journey great, second part, jammed. Problem on Dartford Crossing and roadworks at Fiveways conspired to make one of the longest lines of traffic I'd seen. Despite giving myself and hour a quarter (for what can be a 45 minute trip) to catch the second possible train, I arrived at the station with 4 minutes to spare.

The meeting itself was an amicable event, but has left some work to do before Tuesday in terms of vetting and uploading content. I suppose it'll get done.

After that it was all plain sailing, good journey home, a pleasant enough walk in cooler conditions and a simple bangers and mash dinner for 5 before a snooze on the settee.

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