Sunset over Dungeness

Our mission today was to enjoy fish and chips at the pub at the end of the universe (with a nod to Douglas Adam's fans) otherwise known as The Pilot at Dungeness. We'd thought about going to the Britannia which is even nearer to the nuclear power station but unfortunately it didn't start serving until 6.30pm. So we went to The Pilot instead.

Anyone who has been to Dungeness will know it is a special sort of place that cannot be described in any degree of completeness. Britain's only desert, masses of pebbles, beach houses, boats, rusting winches, Romney Hythe and Dymchurch railway all dominated by the nuclear power station. But people like it because of its desolation and uniqueness and special character.

The fish and chips were good too as was the sunset. And no, the fish didn't glow nor was the sunset the result of any nuclear fallout but the pylons gave the impression of triffids marching across the landscape.

The wind always blows across this exposed flat expanse of pebbles, even on a still day it'll be windy here. And indeed it was this evening when an easterly half gale was gusting in off the Channel. But it was a good evening all around - good beer too, a pint of St George's for me and a pint of Doom Bar for David. The others had tea and bread and butter with their fish and chips.

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