Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Just Lambed

I gave this ewe and lamb a hand at the lunchtime lambing rounds. She was a little reluctant to my getting hold of her and headed into a group of pregnant ewes. Breagh and I had to do like they do in the sheepdog trials and single her off and then Breagh had to catch hold of her (not allowed in sheepdog trials but essential to farm work). Once caught I helped her with her lamb and snuck off with her lying down attending to her lamb. As you can see! I love watching them bond and how sweet the ewes can be with their babies!!

Quite a few more lambs today. Husband turned up with a wee Suffolk x pet lamb from the farm where we manage the livestock. He's a cheeky wee monster having not had a mum and quite vocal!! Mhairi is enjoying having a neighbour!!

13c E 5mph sunshine all day warm out of the wind.

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