2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Golden Dandelions

New program at bodypump this morning and it was very hard work. 

Went into the garden to do some more tidying in the afternoon. The huge pyracantha got trimmed back and we regained a couple of feet of garden back. Cutting up the large branches with huge spines on them was an uncomfortable experience,

Mounted by solitary bee house on the house wall where it will catch the morning sun. Watered in the biological control nematodes in the hope that they'll stop the slugs eating all my Grow Wild seedlings. I moved the frogspawn that finally appeared yesterday - the newts had surrounded the small blob and were feasting on it. I'm hoping that I might be able to put the tadpoles back into the main pond once they are large enough. 

No matter what time of year, you always seem to be able to find a dandelion in our garden. It did look stunning in the bright sunshine. 

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